Human Operations: Philosophy of Life

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Nature of Philosophy
3D - Ancient
Androgynous - Aware
Babylon - Burden
Calvary - Compete
Compete - Control
Control - Cycle
Dancing - Destiny
Destroyer - Dumb
Earning - End
Endearing - Eyes
Facade - Folly
Fool - Futility
Garden - God
Going - Gullible
Habit - Hypocrite
I am - Individual
Infatuate - Irrevoke
Jesus - Justified
Kabbalist - Know
Labor - License
Life - Lost



Waters of forgiveness from painting Going Fishing. Human Operations
Waters of forgiveness

It is better to make friends than enemies. It is better to forgive than to fight. It is better to love than to hate. It is better to invest in health, wellness and goodwill, instead of ignorance, germ warfare and extortion.

The pursuit of philosophy, is not only in following what previous Philosophers stated, but it is the engaging of ourselves in understanding our own thoughts and feelings.

The unfolding of our own wisdom lies in understanding our responses to what is in front of us. Enter into contemplation, and converse with the content of this page.

References point to additional insights within

Ch=Chapter; Ap=Appendix; In=Introduction; P=Paragraph; S=Sentence

    an ongoing process Ch 20: P95-97,
        See Abundance in life,
        See Adding to life and living,
        See Amazing driving force,
        See Basis for life,
        See Celebration of life,
        See Condition of soul influences 
            soul’s life,
        See Fruits of our life,
        See Gift of life and restoration,
        See Laws for a successful life,
        See Progressiveness of life,
        See Purpose of life,
        See Puzzle of life and existence,
        See Restoration of health and life,
        See Rudder that steers us through life,
        See Successful life,
        See Successful living
    at different levels of matter densities 
        Ch 13: P67-69
    demonstration of love Ch 04: P2,
        Ch 09: P104, P107-108
    force manipulators Ch 15: P21-25
    incorrect definition In: P23-26,
        See Denial of life, peace and tranquility,
        See Distracted from life and living,
        See Fools ignore spiritual side of life,
        See Ignorance destroys basis for life,
        See Incorrect assumption for life,
        See Insidious doctrine about life,
        See Ungodly life maintained by ego
    is not a contest Ch 17: P12-14, P27-29, P49
    is priceless Ch 22: P22
    its basis Ch 05: P6
    its meaning Ch 08: P19
    its objective Ch 03: P19, P30
    its source Ch 08: P2-3, P40
    metaphor of presence or absence of love
        Ch 25: P18-19, P42
    our journey Ch 02: P85-86 
    unraveling its harmonious bonds 
        Ch 15: P30
    we have only one Ch 32: P10-12, 
        Ch 32: P17-23, Ch 01: P90
    what is it? In: P17-20, Ch 04: P2, P5, 
        Ch 10: P39-40, Ch 13: P48,
        Ch 13: P55-56, Ch 19: P17
    why is it so complicated? Ch 23: P20-24
Life after life Ch 18: P109, P111-118,
        Ch 20: P27-32
Life after life preparations Ch 22: P39-42,
        Ch 22: P47-48
Life and living Ch 05: P10-11, Ch 14: P57-59,
        Ch 16: P9-10, Ch 29: P1-5, P34, P47-51, 
        Ch 29: P60-62, Ch 30: P3-6
Lifeblood of existence Ch 05: P12
    becoming its bearer Ch 27: P50-64
    its definition Ap 01: P175
    of Truth Ch 09: P87-89
    unto the world Ch 14: P92-94
Like attracts like Ch 13: P75, Ch 20: P26,
        Ch 32: P33-35
Like God 
    See At-one-ment vs. God-likeness
Like, its definition Ap 01: P176


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    See Addicted to limitations
    See Buck institutional limits
    See Consciousness, Limits of
    See Human limitations, blessing in
    See Limiting ourselves
    See Technology, its limitations
    See Work within limits of other’s allowance
Limiting ourselves Ch 12: P7-9
    are testaments Ch 25: P42-55
    testify who and what we are Ch 32: P24-30
    a balanced life Ch 19: P4-16, P30-33
    contrary to being progressive Ch 22: P2
    cooperatively Ch 02: P66
    from our heart Ch 12: P2-5
    fully Ch 20: P70-78,
        See Conversations with life,
        See Correct focus to life,
        See Dominant emotion driving life,
        See Expression of life,
        See Finding value and meaning in life,
        See Focus on what adds to life and 
        See Forgiveness, demonstrating life 
            and living,
        See Investment in life,
        See Optimistic outlook to life,
        See Path to life and living,
        See Taking a stand for life and living
    inspirations from Heaven Ch 31: P63
    inverted lives Ch 30: P13-16,
        See Barbaric standard of life,
        See Lost souls on both sides of life,
        See Market, its lifeblood,
        See Money is not source of life,
        See Nightmare, the life we have created,
        See Trading, the basis for life,
        See Trauma in life, its creation
    on love, the only way to peace 
        Ch 26: P64-65
    quest for harmony Ch 13: P40-41
    successfully Ch 19: P30-33,
        See Birth and life of Jesus,
        See Eternal life,
        See Everlasting life is a fact,
        See Heart, commander of our life,
        See I am the way the truth and the life,
        See Resurrection to immortal life,
        See Resurrection and the life,
        See Return to spiritual focus for life,
        See Sacred Heart, true source of life
    testimony Ch 26: P120, 
        See Lives are testaments,
        See Lives testify who and what we are
    through our heart Ch 29: P13-19
    to live Ch 22: P39-42, P47
    viable forms of Ch 03: P10-19
    vicariously: See Vicarious living
Living-dead Ch 04: P35-36
Logical data analysis Ch 02: P15
Losing our 
    minds Ch 26: P107-111
    way and self-power Ch 12: P73, 
        Ch 24: P6-7
    way from goodwill Ch 30: P10-12
    from ourselves Ch 14: P13-14
    in matter forms Ch 11: P58
    sheep Ch 10: P43
    souls on both sides of life Ch 26: P130-131

        Love - Lymphatic