Believe in yourself. There is an innate wisdom within each of us, regardless if some others may want to call you “dumb” or “stupid.” It is the way they want to ‘see’ you, but it must never be the way that you see yourself. Never believe any belittling thing about yourself, or else, your belief becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The pursuit of philosophy, is not only in following what previous Philosophers stated, but it is the engaging of ourselves in understanding our own thoughts and feelings.
The unfolding of our own wisdom lies in understanding our responses to what is in front of us. Enter into contemplation, and converse with the content of this page.
References point to additional insights within HUMAN OPERATIONS MANUAL.
Ch=Chapter; Ap=Appendix; In=Introduction; P=Paragraph; S=Sentence ______________________________________________________________
Dancing Ap 01: P120
Danger, the gravest Ch 08: P17
not the opposite of light Ch 19: P4-7
the absence of light Ch 22: P50-52
Day Dreaming Ap 01: P62
in our trespasses to unloving acts
Ch 29: P32-34
to illusion Ap 01: P65
to our spiritual potential Ch 27: P14
returning from Ch 14: P88
Deadline for attaining peace
Ch 26: P121-122
Deaf to God’s word Ch 25: P17
and destruction Ch 31: P13-14
and dying, not to be feared
Ch 22: P39-42, Ch 22: P47-48
an illusion Ch 21: P46-49
condition of soul Ap 01: P63
given a personality Ch 26: P81-83
holds uncanny attraction Ch 26: P26-27
incurred by ‘Adam’ Ch 12: P21
intention Ch 07: P16
loses sting Ch 14: P29
not a translation to Heaven
Ch 32: P36-37
not necessary for salvation Ch 12: P45
of body, its cause Ch 15: P26-30
of ignorance Ch 11: P68
of the ego Ch 16: P33, P40-41
understanding it Ch 18: P14-17,
Ch 32: P17-20
row Ch 20: P12, P17
sentence: See Capital punishment
threat, response to Ap 01: P64-65
what happens after Ch 01: P143-146
what is it? Ch 13: P76,
See First death,
See Living-dead,
See Physical death,
See Second death,
See Victory over death and the grave
Deathbeds, Upon our Ch 20: P118
Debate, lacking Ch 07: P47
Deceit, destroying it Ch 06: P29-30
Deceived into supporting lovelessness
Ch 26: P96-104
Deception Ch 02: P100-104, P105,
Ch 02: P107,Ch 02: P17-18, P64,
Ch 07: P41, P56-57,
Ch 09: P51, P53, P57, P59, P63, P83,
Ch 09: P86, P91, P94, Ch 12: P70, P74,
Ch 18: P23-24, P27, P125-127, P140
Deception vs. democracy Ch 26: P6-8
making them Ch 02: P81-82, Ch 22: P37
most progressive Ch 08: P10
Declaration of war Ch 26: P121-122
Deep-seated need to belong
Ch 17: P60-63, P66
Defending God
a deception Ch 26: P80, P130
a farce Ch 23: P42, P45-58
man’s bid for power Ch 21: P50-54,
Ap 01: P298-300
Control - Cycle

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Defending ignorance Ch 21: P22-23 Defense of the Devil vs. taking stand for God Ch 26: P130-133, Ap 01: P66 Degree, education Ap 01: P201-202 See Awakening from unconsciousness See Education Demands of living Ch 20: P1 Democracy cannot be force upon others Ch 26: P51-58 its degeneration: See Façade of democracy the correct form Ch 01: P55-58, P69-71, Ch 01: P72, P74, P77-79 the theft of Ch 07: P63-66 Demon possession Ch 16: P31-32, Ch 32: P24-26 Demons casting them out Ch 32: P24-26 what are they? Ch 20: P21-23 Demonstrate love, justice and compassion Ch 25: P33 Demonstrating the Nature of God Ch 28: P12-15 Demonstrations correct method Ch 06: P14, P21-23, Ch 18: P74, P146, Ch 33: P39-45, See Standing for caring, See Standing for freedom, See Standing for love, See Standing for peace incorrect method Ch 33: P37-38 understanding them Ch 23: P39-61 Demonstrator of God’s Love Ch 27: P38-64 Demoted from human to beast Ch 19: P20-25, Ap 01: P144 Denial of life, peace and tranquility Ch 26: P26-27 love Ch 22: P29-30 our true origin Ch 17: P17 responsibility Ch 20: P103 Dependence upon God Ch 15: P29 matter Ch 11: P58 Depression, its cause Ch 17: P44 Derailing cooperative ventures Ch 26: P71 Desire fulfilling them Ch 08: P27, Ch 28: P42, See Manifesting our heart’s desire, See Money, reflector of desires its source: See Intents and desires to succeed Ch 12: P88 Despair condoning it Ch 09: P73 its hold upon our heart Ch 22: P9 overcoming it Ch 09: P69, P72, Ch 22: P10-15, P51-52, Ch 27: P49-64, Ch 28: P8, P41, P54 struggling to find ourselves Ch 02: P96 Destiny cast in stone Ch 11: P81-83 of all human beings Ch 32: P17-20 of Divine souls Ch 17: P90, Ch 24: P61 of pure souls Ch 17: P89 our choice Ch 11: P81-82 See Embracing our fate See Influencing fate See Light
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