We are all responsible for ourselves, for our own thoughts, words, deeds and actions. In the situations where we are tempted to shirk responsibility through blaming or deriding another, we must return to self-honesty, kindness and forgiveness. Without the practice of honesty, kindness and forgiveness, a human being sinks below the level of the beast. There is so much growling, barking, snarling and mauling going on in our world today; and it is not coming from dogs, bears or wolves, but from human beings.
The pursuit of philosophy, is not only in following what previous Philosophers stated, but it is the engaging of ourselves in understanding our own thoughts and feelings.
The unfolding of our own wisdom lies in understanding our responses to what is in front of us. Enter into contemplation, and converse with the content of this page.
References point to additional insights within HUMAN OPERATIONS MANUAL.
Ch=Chapter; Ap=Appendix; In=Introduction; P=Paragraph; S=Sentence ______________________________________________________________
Façade of democracy Ch 01: P55-63, P67-68,
Ch 01: P70-76, Ch 07: P61-66,
Ch 26: P51-58, Ap 01: P301-302
for communication Ch 15: P28, P32-33
of soul’s experiences Ch 02: P6-7,
Ch 14: P16
Failed experiment Ch 08: P39-40
Failing at being love Ch 20: P9
Failing to try Ch 10: P26
Failing vs. failure Ch 02: P42-43
as sight Ch 09: P45, Ch 29: P46-48
cometh by hearing Ch 28: P53-54
definition Ch 14: P31-33, Ch 31: P16-17,
Ap 01: P91-92
exercising it Ch 02: P98, Ch 26: P117-119
in others Ch 02: P35
in self, increasing it Ch 13: P39-41
in self, real power Ch 23: P8-12
incorrect definition Ch 02: P53
lack of Ch 02: P34
misplaced Ch 03: P7
without works is dead Ch 27: P50-64
Faithlessness Ch 04: P30
Fall of man Ch 11: P27-28, Ch 13: P13-15,
Ch 13: P85-86, Ch 14: P68-70, P73,
Ch 28: P2-9, P16-18, Ap 01: P93-94,
Ap 01: P102
Falling dominoes Ch 20: P98
atonement Ch 12: P45, P47
belief, the ‘god’ that died Ch 21: P24-27
doctrine Ch 18: P2-3
identities Ch 02: P93
light Ch 09: P94
needs Ch 06: P52
pride, accepting help Ch 20: P105-106
pride, its effects Ch 01: P134
promises Ch 12: P70
teachers Ch 32: P31-32
teaching Ch 17: P59
False ‘god’
a creation of mankind
Ch 01: P18-20, Ch 21: P50-54,
Ch 23: P1-5, P13-15, Ap 01: P42-44
of ignorance and war Ch 25: P31-32
Familiar spirits Ch 32: P8, P13-16, P28-30
its purpose Ch 14: P71-72
Family vs. economics Ap 01: P95-97
faith Ch 25: P8-14
ideologies, overcoming them
Ch 22: P28
Fashion for Paradise Ch 32: P36-45
Fate: See Destiny
Father, a metaphor Ap 01: P98
causes and effects Ch 07: P40,
Ch 10: P30, Ch 22: P3-4
crippling In: P23
definition Ap 01: P90, P99-100
grows through demonstrations of force
Ch 26: P92-104
its permanent antidote Ch 22: P5
rising above it Ch 22: P10-15, P26,
Ap 01: P258-259
weapon of choice by dictators Ch 26: P123
Endearing - Eyes

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Fear and war economy of men Ch 20: P68, Ch 26: P1-5 Fear in love, does not exit Ch 27: P48-49 Fear of being found out Ch 10: P74-75, Ap 01: P198-200 condemnation Ch 09: P14-15 foreigners See Xenophobia, curing it moving forward Ch 06: P17-19 taking action Ch 22: P1 the unknown Ch 32: P31-35 Feeling useful See Caring for those in need Feelings of hopelessness Ch 09: P69, Ch 17: P53 Feigning greatness Ch 32: P48-52 love Ch 03: P7 Fictitious motivators Ch 33: P1-4, P7-11 Fields, modulated potentials Ap 01: P101 Fighting evil with evil Ch 22: P36 Final judgment Ch 20: P27-32 Financial system, a net Ch 26: P60-62 Finding and using potentials Ch 20: P70-77 Finding value and meaning in life Ch 20: P111, P121 Finite vs. infinite Ch 31: P6-8 Fires of hell: See Hell fire First death Ch 11: P28, Ch 14: P68-70, P78, Ap 01: P102 First moral choice Ch 31: P56-59 First parents: See Adam and Eve Fixation: See Breaking fixations Fixing our broken world Ch 01: P125, Ch 02: P25-26 Flesh and blood cannot enter Paradise Ch 34: P21-22 spirit realms Ch 32: P36-37 Flexible in our considerations Ch 20: P49 with scriptural interpretation Ch 25: P8-14 Flow of matter through living systems Ch 15: P26-33 Focal point of our lives Ch 11: P1-2, P4-6 Focus changing it Ch 05: P11 correct national Ch 18: P136-137 misplaced Ch 02: P94, P27 of love Ch 09: P105-108, Ch 14: P2, P8-11 on what adds to life and peace Ch 26: P43-48 See Expectation, focus on the positive See Heart, sharpening its focus See Heart, spiritual focus See Incorrect focus See New theme for our religious focus See Return to spiritual focus for life Fold of Love Ch 10: P43-44 Follow Jesus’ example Ch 27: P39-42 Following advice Ch 32: P1-6, P13-16 ideals Ch 17: P60 rites and rituals Ch 32: P36-38 Folly of mankind Ch 18: P29-31, P125-127
Fool - Futility 