3rd dimension
gradations Ch 13: P66-69
nature of Ch 01: P82-132
4th Dimension
correct definition Ch 01: P117-119,
Ch 13: P65, Ap 01: P1
incorrect definition Ch 01: P88
its origin Ch 17: P85, Ap 01: P273
nature of Ch 01: P83-132
4th Dimensional
echo Ch 01: P99
perspective Ch 13: P83, P90
Abnegating responsibility
Ch 28: P29-31
Abode of God Ch 02: P117-118,
Ap 01: P126, P134
Abomination Ap 01: P2-4
Absence of God Ch 01: P26
Absence of God’s Love
Ch 01: P6-10, P28
Absence of health Ch 15: P5-8
Absence of love vs. presence of evil
Ch 31: P27-31
Absence of love vs. presence of fear
Ch 26: P92-104
See Competitive comparisons
Abundance in life Ch 27: P18-22
Accept help when offered
Ch 26: P117-119
Accepting Ch 09: P26-30
Access to Kingdom of God
Ch 13: P73, Ch 32: P36-52
Access to kingdom of pure souls
Ch 13: P72
Accumulated imbalances Ch 19: P2-3
Acknowledge the best in others
Ch 26: P73-75
Acknowledging errors Ch 20: P99
Acting with own volition Ch 12: P5-6
Action, its definition Ap 01: P5
Activating laws of correction
Ch 11: P73-77
Active Energy potential of
human souls Ch 01: P122
Soul that is God Ch 01: P118-119,
Ap 01: P1
Adam and Eve Ap 01: P6,
See Failed experiment,
See Fall of man,
See Human beings
Adam vs. Jesus Ch 14: P85-87,
Ch 28: P50
Adamantine particles Ch 13: P66,
Ch 14: P42-43, Ap 01: P7,
See Sub-matter
Addicted to
limitations Ch 14: P21-23
self-destruction In: P25-27
Adding to life and living Ch 12: P2-5,
Ch 30: P7-12
Adding to pains and hardships
Ch 20: P103
Nature of Philosophy

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Adopted by God Ch 01: P120, Ch 20: P115-117, P118-121, Ch 24: P30 Adopting vs. allowing Ch 09: P26-30, Ch 09: P77, P82 Advanced humans Ch 01: P18, Ap 01: P102, Ap 01: P144-145 Adventure in living In: P36-39, Ch 20: P70-78 Afraid of the light Ch 22: P48, Ch 32: P31-32 ‘things’ discarnate Ch 32: P31-35 Agents of evil Ch 26: P130 Aggravation, dealing with it Ch 29: P54-57 Aggressive posturing Ch 26: P84-86 Aging, its cause Ch 15: P30 A.I., Alternate Intelligence Ch 02: P11-16 Air cycle Ch 31: P5-6 Alchemist quest for divinity Ch 24: P14-25, Ch 24: P31-37 Alchemy leads to purity not Divinity Ch 10: P12, P46-47 Algorithm its definition Ch 01: P103 Primal Ch 01: P99 responsible for 3D organization Ch 01: P93-117 Aliens also God’s children Ch 13: P45 in space ships Ap 01: P1 All are called Ch 32: P36-52 All flesh will die Ch 32: P31-32 All parts necessary for whole Ch 26: P6-8, P12 All souls will progress Ch 32: P33-35 All things work together for good Ch 26: P118-119, Ch 30: P20-21 Allegory of Celestial Heavens closing Ch 11: P85-86 hard working elephant Ch 33: P21-23 inmate on death row Ch 20: P12-24 iron boat Ch 18: P120-123 scientist who met God Ch 18: P33-42 the three scouts Ch 18: P57-61 the water cycle Ch 31: P33-39 Alliance of the willing Ch 04: P9 Allowance Ch 09: P81-82 Allowing Ch 09: P26-30, P81-84 Always remember that… Ch 12: P96 Amazing driving force Ch 20: P54-56 Amoeba Ch 20: P96 Ancestral heritage Ch 23: P17-19, Ch 31: P43-48 worship Ch 20: P40 Anchors to negativity Ch 29: P53-57 Ancient ‘gods,’ what are they? Ch 23: P1-5 ‘gods,’ who are they? Ch 01: P18, Ap 01: P102, P144-145 stereotypes Ch 23: P16-19
Androgynous -Aware 