 Climb every Mountain
This is your personal journey, a quest to know more about your self. Don’t believe you can discover all there is to know about your self from within a book, because if you think so, you severely limit yourself. The book, such as "Human Operations Manual," is only a simple guide, a gentle pointer of different directions. It would help to initiate thinking and feelings of a certain type, but it is up to you to follow through and explore your own thoughts and feelings.
The pursuit of philosophy, is not only in following what previous Philosophers stated, but it is the engaging of ourselves in understanding our own thoughts and feelings.
The unfolding of our own wisdom lies in understanding our responses to what is in front of us. Enter into contemplation, and converse with the content of this page.
References point to additional insights within HUMAN OPERATIONS MANUAL.
Ch=Chapter; Ap=Appendix; In=Introduction; P=Paragraph; S=Sentence ______________________________________________________________
Controlling others
See Differences, tool for controlling others
See Domination and control
See Hierarchy of domination and control
See Leashes for control
See Totalitarian control through fear
Ch 26: P123
through ignorance Ch 21: P24, P26
through various institutions Ch 29: P58-60,
See Countries, corrals for control
using corrupt economic theory
Ch 29: P1-10, P58-60
with laws Ch 02: P111-114
with money Ch 33: P1-2
with scriptures
See Covert control of each other
Convergence of paths Ch 06: P39
of love Ch 10: P60
with life In: P1-6, Ch 20: P45-49,
Ch 29: P48-51
path to success for everyone
Ch 33: P11-13, P40
the best advances Ch 12: P78
with each other Ch 02: P66
breeds knowledge Ch 12: P79-82
enhances relationships In: P22
is inclusive Ch 26: P65-68
its beginning Ap 01: P158
its core Ch 12: P87-88
its virtues Ch 12: P77
safeguard against failing Ch 10: P26,
Ch 12: P81
Cooperation vs. competition
Ch 12: P71-72, Ch 12: P76-82
living Ch 07: P22, Ch 20: P70-78,
See Discrediting cooperative instincts
power Ch 10: P67, P74,
Ch 20: P56-59, P105, P109-111
relationship Ch 17: P66-68
systems, works in crisis Ch 12: P92
Co-opted by ego Ch 16: P18-20
on God Ch 12: P28, Ch 25: P3-7
slated for extinction Ch 10: P68
Corrals for people Ch 18: P142-145
Correct focus to life Ch 09: P107-108,
Ch 26: P46-50
Correct form of help Ch 20: P102
Correcting errors Ch 20: P15
Correction Ch 09: P87-89, Ch 11: P73,
See Forgiveness
glue Ch 01: P101-102
joke, no laughing matter Ch 20: P32
Mind Ch 11: P21-26
Compete - Control

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Cosmology Ch 01: P11-13, P81-121 Cosmos, change is its order Ch 10: P30 Cost of living definition Ch 29: P1-10, P60-62, Ch 30: P1-2 Freedom from Ch 22: P51-58 See Life is priceless Counterfeit to true sex hunger Ch 13: P23-26 Counter-intuitive relationships Ch 13: P23-24 Country and citizenship Ch 01: P49-50 another definition Ch 01: P51-52 corrals for control Ch 18: P142-145 Covert control of each other Ch 25: P3-5 Cover-ups, its effects Ch 04: P27-28 Craftsman of the grass Ch 24: P51 Crashing ‘Heaven’s Gate’ Ch 32: P36-45 Created things are reflections Ch 01: P85-87, P92, Ch 24: P32 Creating a strife torn world Ch 20: P57 lawbreakers Ch 26: P89-91 viable living arrangements Ch 26: P107-111 Creation its Author In: P34-35 its medium Ch 30: P7-12, Ap 01: P273 its objective Ch 03: P19 of man by God Ch 01: P122, Ch 10: P44, Ch 13: P59, P83, Ch 14: P60, P64-65, Ch 18: P32, Ch 18: P38, Ap 01: P6 of man-by-man Ch 18: P31, Ap 01: P102, P144-145 of mankind, reason for Ch 23: P46 Creator’s intention Ch 10: P41, P61 Credit system Ch 33: P1-11 Criticism vs. progressive change Ch 26: P120 Crucifixion a fiction Ap 01: P61 of Jesus Ch 21: P31-37, P44-49 Crusade, vehicle for conquest Ch 07: P50 Cultivating faith in a Devil Ch 26: P126-133 meaningful values Ch 20: P5-6 peace and goodwill Ch 33: P35-37 Cup of unrighteous thoughts Ch 31: P39 Cycle of existence Ch 05: P13-15 the air: See Air cycle the soul: See Souls have a cycle the water: See Water cycle
Dancing - Destiny 