Earning potential Ch 02: P58-59
created for man Ch 13: P46
full of abundance Ch 17: P41
the barbaric planet Ch 26: P28, P37-42
Earth’s future Ch 34: P30-32
Economic principles
tools for domination Ch 29: P7-10,
Ch 30: P1-2, P5-6
Economy of
God Ch 30: P3-27
men: See Fear and war, economy of men
its definition Ch 02: P29,
See True education, its beginning
its objective In: P31
progressive Ch 02: P65
the correct way Ch 02: P34-36, P50
the incorrect way Ch 02: P30-33, P46-47,
Ch 02: P48, P54, P77-78
Educational system watered down
Ch 33: P17-18
Effective help Ch 30: P17-19
Effects of Spirit and Truth Ch 25: P47-55
and cooperating Ch 12: P78
a void of separation from God
Ch 21: P57-59, Ap 01: P77-80
gratification Ch 02: P3-4, P37, P83,
See Loving the ego, its results
influences interpretation of scriptures
Ch 16: P42
interference Ch 20: P90-92
its birth Ch 16: P18-20
its definition Ch 02: P90, Ch 16: P17, P26,
See Ego, a void of separation from God,
See Idolatry, worshipping ego,
See Temple for the ego
its destruction Ch 16: P21-25, P27-33,
Ch 16: P40-44,
See Emancipation from ego,
See Letting go of ego,
See Separation from God, ending it
its torment Ch 16: P33-34, P37,
See Attracting wrath of twisted egos,
See Prisoners of the ego
keeps our worries before us Ch 22: P43-44
survives physical death Ch 16: P36-37
deception; war Ch 31: P13-14
misguidance Ch 16: P17-18, P20, P35,
Ch 22: P7-8, Ch 29: P60-61, Ap 01: P287
Egoless comparisons Ch 12: P87
Elephant, domestication Ch 33: P21-23
their beginning Ch 18: P57-65
their end,
See End of all great powers,
See Government, end of
their home Ch 02: P65
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Emancipation from ego Ch 22: P44-46, P54-58 false service orders Ch 23: P48-61 parasitic health care system Ch 19: P13-14 slavery Ch 33: P24-45 Emancipation through being born again Ch 12: P35-46 education Ch 02: P65, P73-75, Ch 02: P77-79, P82, P85-89, P98-99, Ch 06: P26-28, Ch 07: P39, Ch 09: P16-17, P66-67, P72, P97, Ch 10: P36, P73-76, Ch 11: P87-88, Ch 17: P47-48, P65, P72-74, P80, Ch 18: P32, P66-71, P73-74, P87-90, Ch 18: P122, P128-141, P146 forgiveness Ch 09: P21, P24-25, P34-35, Ch 09: P39, P46 love Ch 09: P102-103, P106-108, Ch 14: P55-58 Embracing evil Ch 09: P95-96 fear and distrust Ch 26: P94-101 hate and anger Ch 09: P105 illusions Ch 09: P49-51, P63 our fate Ch 22: P39-42 pain and suffering Ch 09: P91-94 science and religion Ch 01: P137-138 strangers Ch 06: P36-38 the unknown Ch 10: P29-30 Emotion interfaces with body Ch 11: P37 unleashing its power Ch 08: P22-27, Ch 08: P42-47 what is it? Ch 11: P35, P62 Emotional Intelligence Ch 02: P12 Empathy using its powers Ch 26: P114-117, See Intelligence in empathy Emperor of disrespect Ch 26: P11 Empowering evil Ch 09: P95 Empowerment Ch 09: P50, P54-56, P60, Ch 09: P66-67, P70, P97, P106-108, Ch 10: P16-18, Ch 13: P75, See Self-empowerment its beginning Ch21: P9-10 End does not justify the means Ch 18: P1 justifies the means for ego Ch 16: P26 End of all Great Powers Ch 26: P41-42 disharmonious lives Ch 31: P31-39 exploitation Ch 10: P73-76 false ‘gods’ Ch 21: P53-56, P63-65 humanity Ch 18: P14-17 our ‘rope’ Ch 08: P49-50, Ch 26: P118-119 slavery: See Emancipation from slavery the world Ch 10: P61, P73-76 times Ch 34: P5-11, P18-26
Endearing - Eyes 