 Light up the world
As you approach anything that you have some interest in, you must bring an eagerness to participate in the process, so that you can emerge with the clearest organization of facts, which may lead to concrete information.
The pursuit of philosophy, is not only in following what previous Philosophers stated, but it is the engaging of ourselves in understanding our own thoughts and feelings.
The unfolding of our own wisdom lies in understanding our responses to what is in front of us. Enter into contemplation, and converse with the content of this page.
References point to additional insights within HUMAN OPERATIONS MANUAL.
Ch=Chapter; Ap=Appendix; In=Introduction; P=Paragraph; S=Sentence ______________________________________________________________
Androgynous Ch 13: P13, Ch 32: P21
Angels of light misrepresented
Ch 32: P31-32
Angels, what are they? Ap 01: P8
getting rid of it Ch 09: P105,
Ch 20: P36-38, Ch 30: P17-19
its fruits Ch 31: P13-14
Anger vs. compassion Ch 30: P17-19
Animal heritage Ap 01: P9
See Belief in an animal heritage
are not our equal Ch 19: P17-18
follow laws without question
Ch 17: P69
Antidote to greed and fear Ch 05: P4
Antiquated form of sharing
Ch 06: P44-45
Antithesis of God Ch 01: P28,
Ch 26: P130-132
Apology Ch 09: P6, P8-10
Appreciation, Receipt of Ch 03: P8-9
Archeologist Ch 32: P48-52
Architect of the thunderstorms
Ch 24: P51
Armchair religion Ch 12: P47
Armies, the most oppressive
Ch 18: P60
Arrogance and disrespect
root of distrust Ch 26: P96
Art of
dying Ch 22: P39-42, P47-48
living Ch 20: P4-6, P27, P88-89
war Ch 06: P8-12
Artist of the raindrops Ch 24: P51
Ascension to
Home of God Ch 24: P59-61,
Ch 34: P19-22
kingdom of pure souls Ch 11: P79,
Ch 17: P89, Ch 24: P44,
Ap 01: P171-172
Ask and receive Ch 10: P65-66
Assist each other with guidance
Ch 31: P59
Assisting in the healing of others
Ch 26: P117
plane Ch 14: P26, Ap 01: P10
projection Ch 14: P24-28,
See Dreams are more than just
Atheism Ch 02: P105, Ch 17: P59
Atheistic attitudes
hurt advancement of Truth
Ch 26: P130
Atom, its origin and nature
Ch 14: P42-43
At-one-ment with God
Ch 01: P145-146, Ch 02: P116,
Ch 10: P10, P12, Ch 11: P23-34,
Ch 11: P85-88, Ch 12: P36-46,
Ch 12: P49, Ch 13: P44, P61,
Ch 20: P114-117, P119-120,
Ch 27: P50-64, Ch 29: P21-22,
Ch 31: P19-26, Ap 01: P11-13,
See Know
3D - Ancient

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At-one-ment with omnipotence Ch 27: P28-37 At-one-ment vs. God-likeness Ch 27: P11, Ap 01: P14-17 Attachment to effects Ch 21: P4-5 expectations Ch 09: P79-80 Attaining higher conscious awareness Ch 13: P67, P77-79 Attempts to put out Light of Christ Ch 34: P2-4 Attitudes toxic effects Ch 15: P30-33 what are they? Ch 21: P5-9 Attitudes accompanying competition Ch 12: P76 cooperation Ch 12: P77 Attracted to what is similar to soul-condition Ch 32: P8-16, P33-35 Attracting angels and good spirits Ch 13: P75, Ch 32: P28-30 wrath of twisted egos Ch 29: P52 Author of life’s story Ch 02: P85-87 Automatic writing Ch 32: P28-30 Automation and freedom Ch 06: P41-43 Au-tom-a-ton Ch 08: P8, Ch 14: P53, Ch 32: P1-3 Awakening conscience Ch 20: P29-32, Ch 22: P20-21, Ch 26: P116, Ch 31: P39-40, Ch 31: P50-53, P55-60, Ch 32: P33-35 from unconsciousness Ch 02: P26, Ch 06: P35, Ch 07: P26-27, Ch 09: P22-25, Ch 10: P36-37, Ch 14: P14-15, P53-57, P63, Ch 17: P45-50, Ch 18: P140, Ch 20: P28-30, Ch 21: P65-67, Ch 26: P134, Ch 28: P5-13, Ch 28: P39-41, P54, Ch 29: P53-57, Ap 01: P94 our power Ch 23: P6-12 to greatness Ch 10: P37-38, Ch 32: P48-52 to knowledge Ch 22: P49-50 to Life Ch 27: P15-16, Ch 28: P13-22 to Love Ch 27: P3-9, Ap 01: P137 Aware of condition of world Ch 09: P22-23 our true selves Ap 01: P18-20
Babylon - Burden 