Human Operations: Philosophy of Life

Operating Systems
for the Heart and Mind
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Nature of Philosophy
3D - Ancient
Androgynous - Aware
Babylon - Burden
Calvary - Compete
Compete - Control
Control - Cycle
Dancing - Destiny
Destroyer - Dumb
Earning - End
Endearing - Eyes
Facade - Folly
Fool - Futility
Garden - God
Going - Gullible
Habit - Hypocrite
I am - Individual
Infatuate - Irrevoke
Jesus - Justified
Kabbalist - Know
Labor - License
Life - Lost



Soaring free, from painting Going Fishing. Human Operations
Soaring free

Your mind is as free as you allow it to be, to play with old ideas in new ways, or to bring new light to where none existed before.

The pursuit of philosophy, is not only in following what previous Philosophers stated, but it is the engaging of ourselves in understanding our own thoughts and feelings.

The unfolding of our own wisdom lies in understanding our responses to what is in front of us. Enter into contemplation, and converse with the content of this page.

References point to additional insights within

Ch=Chapter; Ap=Appendix; In=Introduction; P=Paragraph; S=Sentence

Competitive comparisons
    See Absence of love vs. presence of evil 
    See Absence of love vs. presence of fear 
    See Adam vs. Jesus 
    See Adopting vs. allowing 
    See Anger vs. compassion 
    See At-one-ment vs. God-likeness
    See Being in the world vs. being of the world 
    See Benefits vs. pain 
    See Benevolence vs. Beingness 
    See Blame vs. responsibility 
    See Born in sin vs. being sinful 
    See Cause vs. effects 
    See Complaints vs. thankfulness 
    See Conscious vs. conscience 
    See Conservative and compassionate vs. 
    See Constitution vs. birthright 
    See Cooperation vs. competition 
    See Criticism vs. progressive change 
    See Deception vs. democracy 
    See Defense of the Devil vs. taking stand for 
    See Dictatorship vs. cooperation
    See Doing something for someone vs. God 
        doing something for us
    See Effects vs. at-one-ment
    See Expert testimony vs. intuition 
    See Failing vs. failure 
    See Family vs. economics 
    See Finite vs. infinite 
    See God vs. the Devil 
    See Good deeds vs. becoming a new
    See Good vs. evil 
    See Goodwill vs. slavery 
    See Guidance vs. taking responsibility 
    See Human power vs. God’s power
    See Hungry and free vs. enslavement to others 
    See Ignorance vs. intelligence 
    See Illusion vs. Reality 
    See Inhalation vs. exhalation 
    See Insanity vs. sanity 
    See Knowledge vs. compassion
    See Laziness vs. commitment 
    See Letter of the law vs. spirit of the law 
    See Mankind’s will vs. God’s Will 
    See Money vs. goodwill 
    See Natural body vs. Transcendental body 
    See Negative vs. positive 
    See Perception of mind vs. perception of Heart
    See Procreation vs. sex hunger
    See Promiscuity vs. restraint 
    See Prudence vs. morality 
    See Purity vs. Divinity 
    See Quantum physicists vs. religionists 
    See Reactive vs. proactive 
    See Robots vs. humans 
    See Sensitivity vs. truth
    See Sexuality vs. spirituality
    See Son of God vs. son of God 
    See Taking vs. accepting 
    See Thinking about knowing vs. knowing 
    See Time vs. eternity
    See Unreal vs. real
    See War vs. peace 
Complaints vs. thankfulness 
        Ch 02: P91.S1
    our lives within illusion Ch 31: P17-18
    relationship with effects Ch 24: P6-7
Compromise Ch 09: P47-51, 
        Ap 01: P54-59
Compulsion to worship Ch 17: P60
Conclusions, forming our own 
        Ch 12: P5-6
    fearful of it Ch 09: P14-15
    letting go of it Ch 09: P1-6, P14-15
    love affair with it Ch 09: P36

         Calvary - Compete

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Condition of soul 
    influenced by our choices 
        Ch 11: P69-72
    influences soul’s life 
        Ch 13: P67, P69, P74, 
        Ch 13: P80-81
Condoning sin through ignorance 
        Ch 09: P106-107, 
        Ch 31: P43-47, P50-55
Conduct broadcasts open invitation 
        Ch 32: P24-30
Confrontation with the elite Ch 02: P65
Confronted by negatives 
    in lives of others Ch 20: P100-102
    in our own lives Ch 20: P99
    and bickering Ch 26: P108-111
    and terror Ch 23: P25-29, P34-44
    exploited by greed Ch 20: P60
    its cause Ch 13: P85-86
    maintains ignorance Ch 01: P73
    over who and what we are 
        Ch 21: P1-6
    promotes ignorance Ch 23: P20-24
Connected to everything Ch 05: P15, 
        Ch 20: P45-46
Connections and harmony 
        Ch 31: P1-3, P6-9
Conquering nations Ch 26: P51-63
    activated Ch 11: P74,
    giving it up Ch 17: P62-63
    its awakening, Ch 18: P140,
         See Awakening conscience,
         See Beings of conscience 
    its awakening in children 
        Ch 31: P50-53, P55-60,
        See Children have a clear conscience
    its destruction Ch 22: P18-20,
         See Deep-seated need to belong
    about our conscience Ch 31: P50-53
    becoming more Ch 18: P146
    mind Ch 11: P7-11
    of our true selves Ch 31: P60
Conscious vs. conscience 
Ch 31: P40-60
    a function of Spirit Ap 01: P60
    awakening Ch 02: P98-99, 
        Ap 01: P187-190
    is the one fabric Ch 01: P3, P109-117, P127
    limits of Ch 14: P18-24
    not product of environment Ch 10: P36-37
    of Immortality Ch 27: P3-5
Consequences of our actions Ch 20: P27-32
Conservative and compassionate vs. 
Ch 26: P128-129
Consolidation of hopelessness 
        Ch 21: P22
Constant, The absolute Ch 02: P117
    some examples Ch 18: P53-54
    what are they? Ch 01: P93-117
Constitution vs. birthright Ch 18: P27-30
Constructive relationship Ch 17: P66-68
Consumers have the power Ch 02: P73-75
Contacting discarnate souls Ch 32: P7-8, 
        Ch 32: P28-30
Contentment with
    natural love Ch 12: P23
    ourselves Ch 10: P27-29
Control of
    our lives Ch 10: P13,
        See Mind control
    mental gravity Ch 13: P72
    physical gravity Ch 13: P71
    spiritual gravity Ch 13: P70, P73


          Control - Cycle