At the core of everyone’s religious quest, is the understanding that whatsoever you desire for yourself, you also desire for others equally. You know that you must only do to others exactly what you would like others to do to you.
In this fact, lies the seed of your personal wisdom; nurture this seed through practice, and when the seed blooms and bears fruit, you will not be disappointed. For from such a ‘tree,’ the fruits you will reap and share are plenty of love, joy, peace, tranquility and respect, among others too numerous to mention.
The pursuit of philosophy, is not only in following what previous Philosophers stated, but it is the engaging of ourselves in understanding our own thoughts and feelings.
The unfolding of our own wisdom lies in understanding our responses to what is in front of us. Enter into contemplation, and converse with the content of this page.
References point to additional insights within HUMAN OPERATIONS MANUAL.
Ch=Chapter; Ap=Appendix; In=Introduction; P=Paragraph; S=Sentence ______________________________________________________________
Going fishing Ap 01: P111
Going home to God
Ch 08: P29, Ch 24: P25-30,
See Ascension to Home of God,
See The way to God’s Home
Gold, lust for money Ap 01: P203
Golden rule
its application Ch 20: P69, P70-77, P93
its definition In: P14, Ch 27: P22
the corrupt version Ch 20: P68
Good deeds vs. becoming a new creature
Ch 28: P23-28
Good News
announced by Jesus Ch 21: P41-43
living it Ch 27: P50-64
what it is Ch 12: P22, P25, P49,
Ch 14: P80-84, P90-94, Ch 27: P3-10,
Ch 28: P13-22, P32-54
Good Samaritan Ch 20: P7-11, Ch 25: P49-50
Good vs. evil Ap 01: P23-24
Good works cannot get us to Heaven
Ch 32: P36-52
and the market Ch 05: P4-8, P18-24
definition Ap 01: P113
demonstration Ch 03: P13-18, P19-30
establishing it Ch 26: P63, Ap 01: P201-202
root of God’s economy Ch 30: P3-27
Goodwill vs. slavery Ch 18: P66-71
Goons: See Hired by ‘goons’
of the Kingdom of God Ch 28: P32-54
the lives we live Ch 25: P43-55
correct method Ch 12: P63
incorrect method Ch 02: P106-107, P109
successfully Ch 02: P34-36
end of Ch 17: P27
heart of Ch 01: P61
its existence Ch 01: P49-52, P55-63
of God Ch 12: P27-28, P38
our voluntary support of Ch 01: P54-55,
Ch 01: P58, P67, P69-70, P77-79
the true owners of Ch 01: P55-56, P78-79
corruption Ch 12: P61-62
function Ch 07: P43-44, Ch 16: P38-39
misguidance Ch 12: P70
true mandate Ch 12: P69, P71-72, P90
Governments and corporations
not entitled to our complete submission
Ch 26: P110-111
Governments are afraid of the Truth
Ch 12: P27-29
Governor of our lives Ch 17: P33
before meals Ap 01: P115
Divine Ap 01: P116
human Ap 01: P117
Garden - God

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Gradation of 3rd dimensional realities Ch 13: P66-69 4th Dimensional Reality Ch 17: P86-88 Gratitude Ch 10: P42, Ch 30: P9-10 Gravity mental Ch 13: P70, P72 physical Ch 13: P70-71 spiritual Ch 13: P70, P73 Great power brings great responsibility Ch 31: P22-25 Great teacher Ch 13: P4 Greatest and highest creation Ch 13: P83 gift to God Ch 14: P66, Ch 23: P57 Gift to mankind Ch 12: P42-44 human treasure Ch 20: P59, P74-75, P77 obstacle to knowing God Ch 21: P26-27 Truth Ch 14: P33-37 weapon used against us Ch 26: P123 Greed and exploitation Ch 18: P57-65, P142-145 cultivating it Ch 30: P11, Ap 01: P261 definition and its end Ch 03: P12, Ap 01: P118-119 monopolizes information Ch 17: P57-58 uses laws to enslave Ch 02: P111-112 Greedy designs Ch 17: P12-15 Grievances, Redress of Ch 01: P57 Grounded within what is real Ch 04: P17-18 Growth, Stunted Ch 02: P27-33, P47, P91 Guaranteeing peace in tranquility Ch 26: P29-36, P43-48, P51-63 Guardian Angel Ch 12: P9, Ap 01: P114 Guardians of true freedom Ch 04: P33-34 Guidance through faith Ch 26: P117-119 inspiration Ch 03: P4-6 intuition Ch 10: P28-34 love Ch 09: P87-89, P93 Guidance vs. taking responsibility Ch 24: P9-11 Guidance when young, most important Ch 31: P47-48 Guilt and self-love Ch 04: P3 instilling it Ap 01: P3 Gullible, its fruits Ch 18: P57-65
Habit - Hypocrite 