Human Operations: Philosophy of Life

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for the Heart and Mind
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Nature of Philosophy
3D - Ancient
Androgynous - Aware
Babylon - Burden
Calvary - Compete
Compete - Control
Control - Cycle
Dancing - Destiny
Destroyer - Dumb
Earning - End
Endearing - Eyes
Facade - Folly
Fool - Futility
Garden - God
Going - Gullible
Habit - Hypocrite
I am - Individual
Infatuate - Irrevoke
Jesus - Justified
Kabbalist - Know
Labor - License
Life - Lost



Launching into the unknown. From painting Going Fishing. Human Operations
Launching into the unknown

Our self-expression borders upon infinity. For in the playing fields of the universes and Universe of universes, our choices
are endless, and so are our joys and pleasures that we can glean from all our endeavors and relationships.

The pursuit of philosophy, is not only in following what previous Philosophers stated, but it is the engaging of ourselves in understanding our own thoughts and feelings.

The unfolding of our own wisdom lies in understanding our responses to what is in front of us. Enter into contemplation, and converse with the content of this page.

References point to additional insights within

Ch=Chapter; Ap=Appendix; In=Introduction; P=Paragraph; S=Sentence

Kabbalist quest for divinity Ch 24: P14-25,
    Ch 24: P31-37
Kanata Ap 01: P168-169
Karma, imbalances Ch 23: P2-4
    See Law of compensation and re-balancing
Keep an open mind Ch 25: P3-5, P10-23
Key to
    God’s Kingdom Ch 27: P10-11,
         Ch 32: P36-45
    prosperity and happiness Ch 11: P12-16,
        Ch 11: P23-34, P85-88
    Sacred Heart Ch 08: P16
    successful living Ch 20: P70-78, P82, 
        Ch 20: P88-89
    unlocking great potential of the heart 
        Ch 08: P22-27, P42-47
    unlocking Heaven’s Gate Ch 32: P36-52
Kill, Thou shall not Ch 19: P20-26
Killing evil people 
    does not get rid of evil Ch 26: P9-13
King of intolerance Ch 26: P11
Kingdom of Divine souls Ch 17: P90
Kingdom of God 
    advancing it Ch 34: P8-11, P16-18, P26-32
    growing upon earth Ch 27: P50-64
    how to enter it Ch 27: P12-17
    is within you Ch 28: P38, Ch 29: P34-39
    its nature Ch 34: P27-29
    perceiving it Ch 34: P27-29
    what is it? Ch 28: P32-54, Ap 01: P170
Kingdom of men 
    a realm of hardships Ap 01: P6, P231
    becoming Kingdom of God Ch 10: P12

           Jesus - Justified

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Kingdom of pure souls Ch 11: P79, 
        Ch 17: P89, Ch 24: P44, Ap 01: P171-172
Knock, ask and receive Ch 27: P20-22
    each other by our ‘fruits’ Ch 21: P61-62
    its definition Ap 01: P173
    thy self Ch 10: P71
Knowing God Ch 01: P30-34, P120-122,
        Ch 01: P145-146, Ch 07: P58, 
        Ch 12: P28, Ch 14: P32-37, 
        Ch 21: P67-70, Ch 24: P47-65
Knowledge vs. compassion Ch 25: P49-50
    becoming what we know 
        See Practical knowledge,
        See Quest for knowledge,
        See Simulation of knowledge
            cultivating it
        See Awakening to knowledge,
        See Cooperation breeds knowledge,
        See Power from knowledge,
        See Taking a stand for knowledge
    what is it? Ch 10: P65-67, Ch 13: P63,
        See Belief is not knowledge,
        See Book of knowledge,
        See Immortal knowledge,
        See Innate knowledge,
        See Intelligence,
        See Mortal knowledge,
        See Tree of knowledge

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