Calvary, its true purpose Ch 21: P37
Calvary’s transaction, a manmade fiction
Ch 21: P31-35, P38-40, P44-45
Campaign of terror Ch 23: P35-40,
Ch 25: P29-32
Capital punishment Ch 20: P12-21, P35-38
Capitalism Ch 06: P52
See Communism
See Individualism
Care for all children, not just your own
Ch 31: P58-63
Career of
heart development Ch 01: P145-146
mental development Ch 01: P144
the cesspool type Ch 07: P33-34
for those in need Ch 04: P35,
Ch 20: P100-102, P105-111
for yourself Ch 04: P1-2
Casting out demons Ch 32: P24-26
Cause of suffering Ch 01: P41,
Ch 02: P44-46
Cause vs. effects Ch 23: P18-19,
Ch 24: P18-25, Ch 29: P21-22, P60-62,
Ch 31: P9-10
Caustic effects of manmade materials
Ch 15: P30
Celebrate our differences and dissimilarities
Ch 20: P62-67, P74-76
Celebration of life Ch 18: P118
Celestial Angel
See Divine Angel
Celestial Heavens Ch 11: P81-82,
Ch 17: P89-90
Center of gravity
See Moral center of gravity
Cerebral spinal system Ch 11: P36
Certificate: See Degree, education
Certification Ch 18: P62-65
Chain of command Ch 23: P34
Chained to ignorance Ch 02: P49-50, P54,
Ch 02: P80, P83, P91-93
Chains of ignorance Ch 06: P26
Chakras Ch 32: P20-22, Ap 01: P254
Change of state Ch 18: P15-17
Changeless nature of Truth Ch 12: P86
Channeled information
Ch 32: P1-6, P13-16
Chaos, superior order In: P32-34,
Ch 10: P35
Charities and Foundations Ch 26: P20-23,
Ap 01: P45-46
Chastise Ap 01: P42-44
Cheerful giver and receiver
Ch 20: P106-108
Child of the universe In: P15-16
Childish games Ch 20: P51-53
have a clear conscience Ch 31: P42-43
honor your parents and guardians
Ch 06: P67
must be loved Ch 31: P58
of God Ch 13: P45, Ch 17: P1,
Ch 19: P26-33
our teachers of righteousness
Ch 31: P61-63
Choice of destiny Ch 11: P81-82
affects soul’s condition Ch 11: P72
opportunities Ch 26: P112-113
is in our world today Ch 34: P1-11,
Ch 34: P15-18
is not a person Ch 34: P2-3, P12-14
Divine condition of soul Ap 01: P47-50,
Ap 01: P288
Chronometers Ch 18: P51, Ap 01: P290
Church and Religion, not the same thing
Ch 02: P105
Church and State Ch 02: P105
Babylon - Burden

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Citizen, its meaning Ch 01: P49-50, Ch 01: P53-54 Civil law Ch 02: P104, P107 Civility, Returning to Ch 07: P13-18 Civilization built incorrectly Ch 30: P13-16 its foundation Ch 12: P1 its undoing Ch 03: P27, See Body politic and civilization, See Irresponsibility, undoing of civilization, See Past declines in civilization most powerful form of Ch 12: P95 moving to next higher level Ch 22: P54-58 past, present and future Ch 18: P18-19 reconstructing it Ch 04: P9-11, Ap 01: P84 See Building a new civilization, See Evolution of civilization, See Fortification of a progressive civilization, See Foundation for true civilization, See True civilization Clairvoyance: See Supernormal abilities Clairvoyant and clairaudient Ch 32: P28-30 Cleansing the earth of greed Ch 10: P75-76 Cleanup and restoration Ch 05: P17-18 Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt Ch 32: P10-12, Ch 32: P48-52 Cloning: See Creation of man-by-man Closing of the Celestial Heavens Ch 11: P82, P85 Co-creators Ch 19: P26-27 Code words, names of various ‘gods’ Ch 23: P4 Codes of civility Ch 26: P29-36 fear, war, and death Ch 26: P28, P37-42 Coincidence there is no such thing Ch 01: P93-94, Ch 02: P38, Ch 18: P52-55, Ch 29: P28 Come all those who are burdened Ch 32: P36-52 all ye of my Father Ch 27: P50-64 boldly to God Ch 27: P41-49 to the place of Sacredness Ch 32: P49-52 Commander of our lives Ch 14: P51, P55-58 Commitment to do our best Ch 10: P26-28 Common goals for all humanity Ch 20: P66 Common ground Ch 06: P25-26 Communion/Mass Ap 01: P51-53 Communing with God Ch 13: P73, Ap 01: P303-304 Communism Ch 07: P19-23 See Capitalism See Individualism Companies, The most innovative Ch 05: P16 Comparisons Ch 06: P65, Ch 18: P25 Compassion Ch 10: P50-52 Compassion and kindness better than knowledge Ch 25: P49-50 Competition a creation of mankind Ch 07: P22, P25-26 breeds ignorance Ch 12: P79-82 for the truth Ch 17: P25-29 its vices Ch 12: P76
Compete - Control 