Human Operations: Philosophy of Life

Operating Systems
for the Heart and Mind
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Nature of Philosophy
3D - Ancient
Androgynous - Aware
Babylon - Burden
Calvary - Compete
Compete - Control
Control - Cycle
Dancing - Destiny
Destroyer - Dumb
Earning - End
Endearing - Eyes
Facade - Folly
Fool - Futility
Garden - God
Going - Gullible
Habit - Hypocrite
I am - Individual
Infatuate - Irrevoke
Jesus - Justified
Kabbalist - Know
Labor - License
Life - Lost



Water merge from painting Going Fishing. Human Operations
Inside is out, upside is down.

The Discovery is not over, it is only beginning.

Check back regularily for the other exciting parts that are yet to come, such as...

Love - Lymphatic

Machiavelli - Mind

Miracles - Myths

Naked - Nurture

Objective - Own

Padgett - Possess

Potential - Puzzle

Quantum - Quicken

Radio - Rudder

Sin - Separation

Serpent - Son

Soul - Stagnate

Standing - System

Taking - Tyranny

Ugliness - Utopia

Vacate - Vulnerable

WTO - Wreck

Xanadu - Zombie

Contemplate deeply on all the available sections, for they will activate the hidden Intelligence lying dormant within you.

To get on the 'inside track,' check out the 'PROMOTION' in the menu bar above, or click here.

Good clarity. See you in the 'New World.' 


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