Inside is out, upside is down.
The Discovery is not over, it is only beginning.
Check back regularily for the other exciting parts that are yet to come, such as...
Love - Lymphatic
Machiavelli - Mind
Miracles - Myths
Naked - Nurture
Objective - Own
Padgett - Possess
Potential - Puzzle
Quantum - Quicken
Radio - Rudder
Sin - Separation
Serpent - Son
Soul - Stagnate
Standing - System
Taking - Tyranny
Ugliness - Utopia
Vacate - Vulnerable
WTO - Wreck
Xanadu - Zombie
Contemplate deeply on all the available sections, for they will activate the hidden Intelligence lying dormant within you.
To get on the 'inside track,' check out the 'PROMOTION' in the menu bar above, or click here.
Good clarity. See you in the 'New World.'