Introduction: Dissatisfaction
25. Deep lasting satisfaction is rare. 2Many have become addicted to finding the next stimulant to keep them distracted from pursuing a more meaningful life. 3These distractions surface in the form of the next blockbuster from Hollywood, the next World Series, the next sex mate, the next reality TV series, the next mind-numbing violent video game, the next bit of sensational News, the next deadline, and the list goes on.
26. Many move from one ‘quick fix’ to the next, because there is no lasting satisfaction, no meaningful value. 2This emptiness is real; this rotten core is real. 3Who, is left among us capable of a correct thought? 4Who, is left among humanity with a sound moral, ethical and spiritual compass intact? 5Where, are our children being led? 6What, are the legacies we are leaving for the future?
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The Sun - Courtesy ESA./NASA/SOHO