By Lyndon Allicock
Excerpts from Chapters 1- 9
(Ch=Chapter; Ap=Appendix; In=Introduction; P=Paragraph; S=Sentence)
"The entire 3rd dimension is an effect within 4th Dimensional Space." Ch 01: P87
“‘Machine sentience’ and ‘machine intelligence,’
are ploys that seek to obfuscate the fact that
we are souls and truly sentient beings.” Ch 02: P16
“If greed is the root of all evil,
then the love of money cannot be bad.” Ch 03: P12
“No matter how lofty or pious the coerced end may appear to be, if someone else can stake a claim to a portion of the fruits of our labor,
then we would have the beginning of slavery and abject laziness.” Ch 04: P24
“We must not be fooled by quick ‘short term gains’
at any level of the marketplace. Instead, we must
always remain cognizant of the ‘long-term’ effects.”
Ch 05: P13
“Wealth is measured by the holistic content of our hearts, and not by the contents of our wallets or bank accounts.”
Ch 06: P68
“Governments were invented and established
for the sole purpose of knowing and guiding
its citizens to more harmonious living.” Ch 07: P44
“Our heart is governed by a free will, and many
of us have ignorantly or deliberately chosen to
move away from what is responsible for lasting peace.”
Ch 08: P37
"The enemies of peace and love can only exist if we empower them with our hatred for their attitudes."
Ch 09: P98
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TOC Chapter 10-18